Sunday, March 17, 2013

Homeownership: Day 1

Today was the first day BF and I were fully moved into our new house.  That is not to say we're fully settled, oh no, far from it.

This is the scene in the room we have named The Green Room, on account of it's emerald coloured carpet.  It's being sorted through, but it seems like it's probably going to be a holding room for a bit.  Progress is being made though. 

Here's what the living room looked like yesterday:

And this is it today, after plenty of hard work:

It's getting there.  You can't see from this angle but BF set up the entertainment system on the wall opposite the couch, and sorted all our dvds and blu-rays.  

Here was our book room:

And today:

Like I said, slowly but surely.  

My sweet BF also surprised me by finding and putting out my salt and pepper shakers on a little shelf in our kitchen:

We had our first guests today too, dears T and C.  They brought us a pretty present:

Thanks guys, and thanks for meeting us for lunch and for your wallpaper removal advice, haha.  

I started to do this post a couple hours ago, sitting in our new living room as the sun was starting to go down.  The shadows on the wall of the sun through the tree on our front lawn were quite lovely.

It's been a big, eventful day.  We made progress on the settling, found camera cables and computer cords, and hung key hooks.  We changed a couple locks and ran a dozen errands.  We did laundry and then unclogged the washing machine draining pipes after the water backed up from not having been used in a year.  We made our first supper in our 1/10th finished kitchen, then sat and ate it, hoping that the pipes really were unclogged and agreeing that we're really going to learn to appreciate the little things from now on, like proper drainage and knowing were your knives are.

All told, it's been a nerve-wracking but exciting couple of days, that I wouldn't change for the world.  This is an adventure after all, might as well take it all in.

Till next time friends!

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