One sprang up, seemingly out of nowhere, in the last little while, all big and pink, on the front lawn.
And the last one, a gift from J, is in a planter on the back steps. It seems to be struggling, the leaves die really quickly, yet new ones keep growing too. So far it's white, but as far as I can tell, the others were at first too, so who knows.
I wish I had a greet thumb and had a good sense for flowers and yard plants, but it seems it's not my in my skills set. We've been doing a LOT of work in the yard lately, trimming, pruning, weeding, mowing, whipper-snipping, planting, digging, removing, hauling, watering, dead-heading. We're trying to get it ready back there for the wedding, but it's so much work and so overwhelming that it seems, sometimes, like we're out there for hours and are barely making a dent. I'm sure we are - I mean, we've got to be - but it sure seems like we're inching along.
Anyhoo, just thought I'd share the lovely hydrangeas with you - one thing I do know is that they can get really big and full of blooms, so I'm trying to take good care of them. Any advice would be welcome!
Till next time!
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